18 September 2007

Main Street - Sinclair Lewis

I have come to the realization that my current blog format may be antiquated and somewhat past its prime. I think I know what you want. Less book reviews, more "what grinds my gears", sports talk, and perhaps even a political discussion or two? Well, even if you don't want that, its what you are going to get. So, without wasting anymore time, I am going to switch ponies in midstream and wage a three-pronged offensive: 1) keep up the book reviews, but make them more concise and poignant; 2) increase the number of controversial blogs (i.e. I have made you all wait too long for why I say peanut allergists should all be murdered); 3) a push into Tikrit that will have the troops home by Thanksgiving (US Thanksgiving of course).

So, here is the new format for book reviews, it will basically consist of a small photo of the books (I like this feature), a section entitled "Why you shouldn't or should read this book" and maybe a quote.


Why you should read this book
Lewis was the first American Nobel prize winner. Main street, his most famous satire, defines the ethos of American midwestern life and much of 20th century small town life. Nowadays it is common to think of the rural hick who is ignorant and prying, but Lewis' satire opened America's eyes to the not always pretty life of "anywhere USA."