Recommendation: What good is man without woman, I ask you?
Why you should read it: This short story collection of some of Hemingway's early works is for those partisans of bullfighting, boxing an war.
Why you shouldn't read it: You prefer novels and not short stories. You prefer a dichotomous view os the male-female interaction. You abhor male chauvinism.
Why you should read it: This short story collection of some of Hemingway's early works is for those partisans of bullfighting, boxing an war.
Why you shouldn't read it: You prefer novels and not short stories. You prefer a dichotomous view os the male-female interaction. You abhor male chauvinism.
You are a reading machine.
I have to say Rich, that I enjoy your longer reviews!
Not that I don't enjoy the shorter ones too of course.
Thanks Jo
I actually think that I will come back to the longer reviews. I felt that some of the longer reviews - or at least the later ones - I was constrains by having to put a longer review. When I feel the need, I will certainly make it longer!
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